Max è un fotografo professionista e professore all’Università d’arte con una lunga esperienza nell’arte della fotografia. La sua passione per la fotografia è iniziata all’età di 13 anni come appassionato amatore. Dopo aver terminato gli studi scolastici, ha continuato la sua formazione all’Università di arte, laureandosi in fotografia.

Durante il secondo anno universitario, spinto dalla sua grande passione, si è specializzato nella fotografia di moda, ottenendo numerosi lavori con noti produttori di abbigliamento. Dopo la laurea, si è trasferito in Italia per continuare gli studi e il lavoro.

Nel 2006 ha conseguito il Master in fotografia di moda presso l’Accademia Italiana di Firenze e attualmente lavora a Milano.
 La sua formazione e esperienza professionale gli permettono di creare immagini uniche e di alta qualità per i suoi clienti.

Il suo studio fotografico si trova a Milano e offre servizi di fotografia di alta gamma nei campi della moda, gioielli, still-life, e-commerce e ritratti ai suoi clienti.

Max is a professional photographer and professor at an art university with extensive experience in the art of photography. His passion for photography began at the age of 13 as an amateur enthusiast. After finishing high school, he continued his education at an art university, graduating in photography.

During his second year of university, driven by his great passion, he specialized in fashion photography, obtaining numerous works with well-known clothing producers. After graduation, he moved to Italy to continue his studies and work.

In 2006, he completed a Master’s degree in fashion photography at the Italian Academy of Florence and currently works in Milan. His training and professional experience allow him to create unique and high-quality images for his clients.

His photography studio is located in Milan and he offers high-end photography services in the fields of fashion, jewelry, still-life, E-commerce, and portrait to his clients.

Educational Background:

2003 BA in Photography from Art University
2006 MA in Fashion Photography from Accademia Italiana ( Florence )
2013 BA in New technology of Art from Accademia belle Arti di Brera (Milan)
2016 MA in New technology of Art (Cinema and Video) from Accademia belle Arti di Brera (Milan)

Work Experience:

1999: Started working as a fashion and advertising Photographer.
2000 up to now : worked with the Famous men’s fashion brand, Hacoupian, as an Art director and fashion photographer.
2005 up to now: worked as fashion and still life photographer for Italian fashion designers and companies like Linea Piu, Solo Mia, Shake,Lucio Antonucci, lucia Presentini and Marcello Minatti.
2006 up to now: working with the IKO (car producer) and many of  factories in Middle East.
2008 up to 2015: working with the Art University as professor in the field of fashion,portrait and Advertising.
2012: opened new photography studio in Milan.

Educational Background:

  • 2003 BA in Photography from Art University
  • 2006 MA in Fashion Photography from Accademia Italiana ( Florence )
  • 2013 BA in New technology of Art from Accademia belle Arti di Brera (Milan)
  • 2016 MA in New technology of Art (Cinema and Video) from Accademia belle Arti di Brera (Milan)



Work Experience:

  • 1999: Started working as a fashion and advertising Photographer.
  • 2000 up to now : worked with the Famous men’s fashion brand, Hacoupian, as an Art director and fashion photographer.
  • 2005 up to now: worked as fashion and still life photographer for Italian fashion designers and companies like Linea Piu, Solo Mia, Shake,Lucio Antonucci, lucia Presentini and Marcello Minatti.
  • 2006 up to now: working with the IKO (car producer) and many of  factories in Middle East.
  • 2008 up to 2015: working with the Art University as professor in the field of fashion,portrait and Advertising.
  • 2012: opened new photography studio in Milan.
